Social Justice Virtual Book Club August Meeting

read banned books

In August the book club will be doing something a little different.

We are asking everyone who cares to participate to read something off of any banned book list (you can find a list on Amazon; or you can type “banned book list” into google).  You might even consider a children’s book or a classic.

On Monday, Aug. 21 at 7:00 PM we will share via zoom why our chosen books might have been banned and discuss the current issues around banned books. Please consider joining this great group. 


Use this LINK to join the discussion!

Hearts Unbound Class

Hearts Unbound

- Engaging Biblical Texts of God’s Radical Love Through Reader’s Theater

August 23, 30 & September 6 at 4PM at church in person only.

Hearts Abound Class

Join Rev. Rick for three separate Reader’s Theater sessions! For those not familiar with Reader’s Theater: Reader’s Theater is the experience of reading a play script out loud using only the spoken lines — nothing else. The beauty of its simplicity is that it doesn’t require memorized lines, costumes, sets, or polished acting, but it nevertheless invites participants to step inside the text — to inhabit it through their roles — and to experience the text more fully because they are involved in it themselves. These scripts invite you to revisit those middle school days as you use Reader’s Theater to capture the drama and surprise of these biblical texts.

Each session will be a separate story…attend all three, one or two! In order to have materials ready, we’d like an idea of how many scripts to prepare. Please sign the sheet in the foyer to sign up for the weeks you will attend!

Social Justice Book Club September Meeting

Book Club 2023

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins September 15, the Social Action Book Club will be reading Dreams From Many Rivers: A Hispanic History of the United States Told in Poems. Through her poetry, Margarita Engle takes us from 1491 to the present, sharing the different experiences of native and immigrant citizens of Hispanic descent. This easy read is fascinating as we hear the different voices with common threads. The book club will meet via zoom on September 18 at 7:00 pm.

SunCoast MCC Homecoming 2023

Homecoming 2023 2 1

We have an exciting Homecoming Dinner and Worship coming up September 23 and 24th!

We are welcoming Rev. Wanda Floyd from our MCC Global Staff to speak about her work with emerging churches and ministries around the world, and how we can be connected to these ground-breaking stories of hope!

On Saturday night, we will have a dinner and will also hear from Wendy LaChaunce at Church of the Trinity MCC, about their support for MCC in Kampala, Uganda, and the amazing work they accomplish there for children, people with AIDS, and women. 

On Sunday Rev. Wanda will preach, and we have special musical guests, Carole Cornman Fetterman and Tom Benjamin

Wendy LaChaunce

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Carole Cornman Fetterman Headshot 1

Tom Benjamin Pic 2

Wendy LaChaunce

Rev. Wanda Floyd

Carole Cornman Fetterman

Tom Benjamin 

About Our Church

SunCoast MCC address
As a welcoming, diverse and active community, we share God’s love in a spiritual environment offering Truth, Trust, and Transformation.
SunCoast MCC is a member congregation of Metropolitan Community Churches, a worldwide denomination for more than 50 years.

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