Meet Our Ministries and Teams

SunCoast MCC offers a variety of ministries and teams where members and friends can participate and volunteer their talents, interests and time. The ministries and teams offer a mix of opportunities including volunteerism, networking, or leadership. Below is a summary of the ministries and teams at SunCoast MCC. If you are interested in learning more about any ministry/team, please contact



Every Sunday and nearly every special service, this team arrives early to the church to dress and then later undress the altar with the communion elements. While maintaining the supplies for Communion, this team prepares the Altar for Sunday and special services when Communion is celebrated.

Board of Directors (Elected)

Consists of the two Senior Pastors and six members who are elected at the annual congregational meeting to terms of varying lengths to serve the congregation. They are responsible for the financial health of the church, strategic planning, facility management and general operations.

Building Maintenance

Perform many of the odds and ends jobs around the church: hanging a picture, repairing a door lock, changing a light bulb, etc. If you have those Jack or Jill skills, this is a great place to volunteer your time.

Choir and Music

Meets weekly for rehearsal to prepare special music for Sunday worship and special services.  Currently this ministry is only meeting virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Church Cleaning Ministry

Assist by tidying up the church following Sunday services. They empty trash, sweep and mop floors, wash windows, etc. Their work is supplemented by a professional cleaning service which comes in bi-monthly.


Works in tandem with Marketing and many ministries to coordinate all the publicity surrounding upcoming events. The team selects artwork to use in the programs, advertisements, thank you notes, etc. and ensures content is accurate, timely and consistent.

Communion Servers and Acolytes

Each Sunday during worship, these members serve us communion, offer us prayers of blessing and/or hold the elements for the servers. Both positions require training. Once trained, the servers and acolytes are scheduled monthly according to their personal availability.

Congregational Care (Appointed)

Consists of a group of individuals with life experiences and gifts in caring for people at many different levels. When our SunCoast MCC congregants are hospitalized, ill, grieving or in need, the care team makes calls and visits and offers prayers, communion, and support. Those who serve feel called to love and serve our congregants, so please contact the church office whenever you have a need so the team members and pastors can support you and provide encouragement and care.


Plans special events to supplement the church’s income from offerings and special gifts. Cruises and special entertainers are among the more popular events planned. Quarterly dances are also coordinated and are a good outreach to the community. 


Responsible for the fellowship time following each worship service and for special events. They prepare, set up and break down the goodies that congregants bring to share weekly and coordinate special meals when needed.  Currently this Ministry is on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Meet monthly to beautify the grounds. They handle mowing, mulching, weeding, and all the other tasks to make the SunCoast MCC property attractive and functional. They have established an Adopt-A-Plot program to encourage congregants to adopt a particular garden/area on the grounds and develop it into a natural sanctuary for everyone to enjoy.

Lay Delegates (Elected Position)

Elected to represent SunCoast MCC as voting delegates at General Conference (which occur every 3 years) and Florida Network gatherings (which occur annually). They keep the congregation abreast of news from the denomination and from MCC’s in the area.

Lectors and Readers

Each Sunday the scripture readings are read by congregants. Other reading parts are also an important part of each service: Call to Worship and Living Our Faith (announcements). Brief training is required for those interested and skilled to be a lector/reader.


Accepts appropriate book donations for SunCoast MCC. They catalog the books and keep the library in order.


Prepare and display our projected slides for Sunday morning worship and special events, working closely with the Pastors and Director of Music. They also add videos and create power point presentations to accompany the announcements. A database of worship music is also maintained, and as needed help is provided to the Pastors by recording videos for use in social media and worship services.

Office Support

Contribute hundreds of hours of vital administrative and technology support such as, photocopying, preparing name tags, addressing envelopes, etc. Assist with the day-to-day operations of the church. Their on-going support allows the church to operate smoothly and efficiently.

Outreach Ministry

Works to support our local community and internationally.  The team works with local organizations, schools and community partners.  The team also works to support our sister Church, The Circle, in Milan, Italy.

Parrish Nurse

Available during services and events in case of a medical emergency. The nurse also serves as a resource for those who have health questions or need a health advocate.

Prayer Team

These ministers offer prayers in two settings: one group offers the public prayers which are heard from the pulpit on Sunday mornings and the other group offers personal prayers for individuals with a personal prayer request. These Prayer, Care, Share Ministers can be found by the Tree of Life following each Sunday morning service.

Programming Team

Plans and coordinates the various activities that make up the life of the church. Events range from concerts and church outings to game night and craft activities as we work to meet the educational, social, service, and social justice areas of church life. The group usually meets once a month and welcomes new members and new ideas. Some of the previous activities have included a Creating a Life That Matters class, monthly Let’s Be Creative classes, potlucks and game nights, the New Year’s Eve Dance, and a variety of other activities/events.

Recycling Team

Coordinates the recycling efforts of our Church.

Risk Management Team

Assesses the safety and security of our facility and maintains a presence for security purposes during worship services and church events. They also serve as a liaison with the Sheriff’s Department for special training or resources.


Designs and coordinates the church’s stewardship program in an effort to assure that our offerings are sufficient to meet our church expenses. Generally, each year the team invites congregants to make pledges in areas vital to the church: presence, service, spiritual growth, finances, prayer, and witness. This same team also oversees the Pillars program which includes additional monthly offerings from individuals who wish to contribute extra funds specifically for our monthly mortgage expense.

Visual Arts

Creating artistic and liturgical displays in the Sanctuary creating a meaning Worship environment and experience.

Welcome and Usher Ministry

Vital part of conveying SunCoast MCC’s welcoming culture. Responsible for welcoming congregants and visitors every Sunday. Since the Welcome Team ministers make the first impression on our guests, our goal is to make them feel welcome and comfortable. Newcomers receive a welcome packet, small gifts, and information about SunCoast.  Ushers also prepare the worship space, assist with the collection of offerings and direct communion

About Our Church

SunCoast MCC address
As a welcoming, diverse and active community, we share God’s love in a spiritual environment offering Truth, Trust, and Transformation.
SunCoast MCC is a member congregation of Metropolitan Community Churches, a worldwide denomination for more than 50 years.

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