SunCoast MCC Virtual Game Nights

Virtual Game Night Image

Summer is about over, kids are back in school and life is slowing down....This means it is time for some SunCoast Family Fun. Please join us at 6PM on Mondays for the following Virtual game nights:

08-23: Trivia

08-30: Pictionary

09-06: Trivia

09-13: Bingo

09-20: Pictionary

10-04: Bingo

10-11: Pictionary

10-18: Trivia

Join Virtual Games

Meeting ID: 867 9930 2036
Passcode: suncoast

About Our Church

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As a welcoming, diverse and active community, we share God’s love in a spiritual environment offering Truth, Trust, and Transformation.
SunCoast MCC is a member congregation of Metropolitan Community Churches, a worldwide denomination for more than 50 years.

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